Nat Turner’s Rebellion

A review of Stephen B. Oates’ book, `The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion, illustrating the story of the 1831 slave rebellion.

This paper discusses the book, The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner’s Fierce Rebellion` by Stephen B. Oates, which recounts the life and times of Nat Turner as he led the 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia. A background is provided about the author. The book is summarized thoroughly, presenting all the central characters and the main points of the historical account. The writer offers a personal critique and evaluation of the book.
`The author also discusses the plight of Nat’s mother, Nancy who was born in Africa and lived through the Trans Atlantic voyage known as the middle passage. Nancy was taken from Africa when she was only a teenager. The book was graphic in describing the voyage and the plight of the Africans aboard and the way that they were treated by white Europeans. Nancy was very opposed to slavery and taught her son that people should be free. The lessons that Nancy taught Nat stayed with him for the rest of his life.`