Musical Arrangers

A paper listing short biographies of the most famous musical arrangers in history.

The paper introduces the famous names in musical arrangement history. It provides a brief look at the musician’s childhood and then mentions important milestones and works in his career. Several arrangers mentioned are Claus Ogerman (Fiddler on the Roof), Duke Ellington (Crescendo in Blue) and Quincy Jones (Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and “The Color Purple”).
“Quincy Jones is one of the most famous arrangers in the world. He is also a producer, conductor, instrumentalist and record company executive. His credits include the production of Michael Jackson’s Thriller album, which has sold more copies than any other album in the history of music. Quincy Jones is also famous for his ability to work with artists from a myriad of musical genres. Jones has worked with a range of artist from Count Bassie to Queen Latifah. Among his most notable accomplishments was his co-production of the film The Color Purple which was granted 11 academy awards.”