Mozart’s Sonata In F Major ( K#322 )

This paper discusses tje outer, inner, rhythmic structure and style of the first movement of Mozart’s Sonata In F Major ( K#322 ) and illustrates how it outlines the classical sonata form.

The first movement of this sonata in F major, allegro, outlines classical sonata form. The exposition contains two main themes: the first one is in the tonic, and the second in the dominant. There is some slight development, or variation, on the second theme, ambiguously for a few bars, and then it changes back to the dominant again. The exposition ends in a codetta.

The development section starts by elaboration on a lesser theme from the exposition, and then proceeds to lengthen a more interesting syncopated motive. The development section is in the dominant and returns quite quickly to the tonic and the first theme for the recapitulation. The transitional material in the exposition is now used as interesting material for contrast in …