Motivation in the Health Care Sector

This paper identifies motivational factors that would be necessary to hire and, more importantly, retain workers in this industry.

This paper explains that the health care sector is like any other industry that needs trained and motivated workers in order it to run successfully. It explores the content and process theories of motivation in this sector. It also looks at how these theories would be applicable to the health care sector.
“Desire is inbuilt in man. Our life and its furtherance through breeding are dependent on desire. Achievement of desire is what motivates us. On different levels, one might consider motivators and incentives. Often, the expeditious and efficient completion of a project is associated with a bonus. Motivation theory is a field of study that has established formalism for one important aspect of human behavior?fulfillment of need. In fact, these needs are designed in a hierarchy. At the basic level, there is a motivation to live. Therefore, any act on the part of the person is generally motivated by this desire. Among basic needs are the need to eat, the need for shelter and the need to procreate. The dynamics of the “need to eat” is also worthy of consideration. Many aver that an American’s need to eat will often coincide with the need to fulfill the need to fulfill an appetite: that very few Americans or most Americans only a few times in his or her life would truly identify with the need to eat with the other option being starvation.”