Middle Eastern Societies

This paper discusses gender issues in Middle Eastern Societies.

This paper looks at women in Middle Eastern Societies, and gender issues in Islam. A particular focus in on the symbolism of the veil in Islam. The author discusses the topic by examining some of the literature, and notes that a recent resurgence of fundamentalist rule in some countries has brought women’s rights to the forefront of social debate.
In almost any modern social environment, not dictated by the standards and restrictions associated with a non-secular institution it is difficult for most people, not just women to imagine living life behind the screen of a veil. Though it may seem that this is true only of western states that is just not the case. The reality of the fundamentalist resurgence of the legalism of the Islamic religion is also a shock in locations much closer to the heat of the matter. Many Middle Eastern and North African countries have enjoyed relative freedom from non-secular rule, in some cases as long as they have been post-colonial, independent nations.