Medicine In Egypt

This paper discusses medicine in Egypt: Early history, surgery, remedies, charms, examination of methods of healing wounds, fractures and dislocations.

In the tomb of Sekhet’enanch, chief physician to the Pharaoh Sahura of the 5th Dynasty, there is the inscription describing the physician healing the king’s nostrils, for which his majesty wished him a long life in holiness.

Then the chief physician spoke before the Pharaoh: May it please thy soul beloved of Ra, that there be given me a limestone slab like a door for this my tomb in the Westland. Then the king commanded, and they brought unto him two stone slabs like a double door from the quarry Ro’an, and they were set up in the court of his palace Chaurert-Sahura. The chief taskmaster made the temple masons inscribe them as for the king himself. The Court visited them daily. His Majesty ordered the inscription to be done over with …