McDonald’s Organisational Culture

An analysis of the theories and practicalities of a strong organizational culture, using McDonald’s as a real-life example.

This paper attempts to define organizational culture by analyzing culture both from Schein’s theory of the three levels and Trompenaar’s theory of the seven dimensions. In particular, the culture of the fast food chain McDonald’s is analyzed at different levels using each dimension of Trompenaar’s criteria. Finally, the strength of the culture and the ways employees learn and adapt themselves to it are also assessed.
`The second dimension, individualism versus communitarianism, is the difference between a focus on the individual and the group. In individualistic cultures, people place the individual before the community. Individual happiness, fulfillment, and welfare are what define the organization and quality of life for all members of society is seen as directly dependent on opportunities for individual freedom and development. In contrast, communitarian cultures place the community before the individual. It is the responsibility of the individual to act in ways that serve society, and by doing so, individual needs will be taken care of naturally.`
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