Krispy Kreme

A SWOT analysis of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc.

In this SWOT analysis, the writer delves into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that affect Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc. It explains that Krispy Kreme is a highly successful company, whose main product, not surprisingly, is doughnuts. The company went public in 2000 and saw a hugely successful increase in share price immediately after.
“Krispy Kreme’s biggest strength is in its product. It is best known for its best known for its fresh glazed, yeast-raised doughnuts, made from a secret recipe. The doughnuts are highly popular throughout North America, and have a mass appeal that is based largely on word of mouth and superior product. Interestingly, Krispy Kreme’s doughnuts are so popular that Krispy Kreme is able to generate a media frenzy without using major or national advertising. Certainly, this is a major advantage to the Krispy Kreme company, as it greatly reduces the cost of advertising to the company.”