Juvenile Detention

An examination of the effectiveness of juvenile/youth detention centers on juvenile offenders in the United States.

This paper explores thee impact of juvenile/youth detention centers on juvenile offenders in the United States and the rationale for dealing differently with juvenile offenders and adult offenders It looks at how there are various tactics that can be used inside and outside of the centers that are effective in reducing juvenile crime. It also examines how the way that adult and juveniles are dealt with in the criminal justice system is extremely dependent upon public opinion. It focuses on the effectiveness of Georgia juvenile detentions and provides some statistics showing how many juveniles are currently incarcerated and forecasts of how many are expected to be incarcerated in the future.
“The effectiveness of a detention center is also dependent upon the tactics that are used to address the problems that juvenile offenders face. In order to effectively serve these offenders juvenile detention centers must analyze the causes for delinquent behavior amongst Juveniles. In addition, the centers must be prepared to use unconventional tactics to effectively rehabilitate the juveniles. An article in the Journal, Reclaiming Children and Youth, explains that this type of innovation exists in places like Nevada. (Troup 2001) The article asserts that in Nevada juvenile detention centers are becoming more effective by coordinating and collaborating with all of the stakeholders involved.”