John Wilkes

This paper discusses John Wilkes, an 18th Century British politician history and his conflicts with the policies of George III.

John Wilkes became one of the most important figures in 18th century British political history, for many a symbol of liberty in a long constitutional struggle against executive tyranny, the center of a cause c?l?bre that was discussed in Europe and America as well as in England. In many ways, Wilkes appears as an unlikely character to play such an important role; as Shakespeare’s MacBeth noted: Some men are born great, some men achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Wilkes accepted the challenge of history with gusto and, at times, recklessness, and many of his contemporaries as well as historians have passed a harsh judgment. In the course of 170 years, notes George Nobbe, numerous abusive epithets have been coupled with the name of John Wilkes. His honesty has been questioned, his sincerity scorned. Any lie told of him has been …