Harry Truman and the Steel Seizure Case

A summary of how American President Truman seized control over the United Steel Workers of America in 1952.

This paper shows how President Truman seized control over the United Steel Workers of America in 1952 and clashed with the Supreme Court over this decision. It examines how the Supreme Court overturned Truman’s decision, claiming that the President had overstepped his power and that his move was unconstitutional.
It appears that over the years there have been many occasions when the President clashed with another branch of government, either Congress or the Supreme Court. This can be due to disagreements over the use or abuse of power. A typical example of this is the steel seizure case of 1952, which was when President Harry S. Truman seized control of the steel mills (Fisher, p.109). He claimed that his power as commander – in – chief brought him to this decision; however, the Supreme Court overruled the President’s actions stating that he exceeded his authority (Brinkley, p.846).