Globalization of the Arab/Islamic Styles on Management

Looks at the globalization of management styles, with an emphasis on Islamic and Western styles.

This paper highlights and analyzes the impact of globalization on the Arab/Islamic styles of management. The paper further highlights the Western styles of management and how these styles have integrated and influenced the Islamic styles of management.
“In the vein of the rest of the world, the process of globalization has profoundly influenced Muslim Countries. The lives of their peoples have been transformed, as have their philosophies, relationships, and logic of innovative expression. Some have greeted these transformations with arms wide open, at the same time as others fret on the nature of the changes happening and the aptitude of those affected to react suitably. One of the fundamental reasons of such apprehensions has been a comprehensive management concern: how to protect an exceptional legacy in the face of global stress; to sustain management customs; to protect linguistic cleanliness; to preserve social, political and economic traditions; as well as, eventually, to maintain a practical identity in the center of a speedily transforming global setting. ”