Female Contraceptives

This paper describes and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of types of female contraceptives.

The paper explains that one of the most commonly used contraceptives are birth-control pills or oral contraceptives, which contain the two female hormones, estrogen and progestin. The author relates that one of the more recent developments in contraceptives is commonly known as “The Patch”, which works just like the contraceptive pill, except that a patch only needs to be applied weekly, whereas the pill needs to be taken daily. The paper concludes that the decision as to what kind of contraception to use is up to the individual; every woman needs to weigh the benefits and disadvantages of each method against her own needs.
“Contraceptive injections are a less popular form of contraception. This method requires an injection every three months, with the injection providing 99% effectiveness against pregnancy. The major benefit of this method is that action is only required once every three months. This means that women having sex regularly don’t have to worry about inserting diaphragms or taking pills on a daily basis. The major problem associated with the method is the side-effects that can occur. These side-effects include irregular periods, excessive periods and weight gain. These problems are enhanced because the side-effects will persist for the 3 month period.”