Environmental Auditing

This paper discusses environmental auditing of companies to provide protection against pollution and poisonous gas and the incident at Bhopal and the Union Carbide Plants.

This paper states that ISO 14001 requires organizations to make three policy commitments of compliance, prevention of pollution, and continual improvement and are required to commit to all laws and regulations. The paper discusses the tragedy when thousands died in 1984 during a highly poisonous gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide factory in Bhopal, India.

Table of Contents
The Issue
Auditing EMSs for Conformity with ISO 14001
Bhopal Incident
Ten Years after The Bhopal
Carbide Corporation
“There are several laws that provide for auditing of companies to provide protection against pollution and poisonous gas, such as the disaster at Bhopal. ISO has developed requirements for bodies that offer EMS conformity assessments and registrations. “These documents include ISO 14004, which is an EMS guidance document and three auditing standards: ISO 14010, ISO 14011, and ISO 14012. ISO 14004 advises organizations on how to establish an EMS and design an environmental policy” (NAPA 1). ”