Emotional Development in Early Adulthood

Discusses the emotional and psychological development process that takes place in early adulthood.

This paper investigates the emotional development process in early adulthood. The paper examines the relationship between emotional development during early adulthood and the experiences of love and mate selection. Also addressed are the role that emotional development plays in lifestyle choices and the changes that occur in adulthood.
“Individuals need to effectively deal with the presenting conflict of a current developmental stage in order to advance onto the next stage of development. Therefore, young adults need to work out issues of intimacy versus isolation in order to successfully leave young adulthood and graduate onto adulthood, which presents a different main conflict. Research has indicated that a necessary component for a capacity for intimacy is the achievement of a strong identity, and it has been found that this differs between men and women (Carver & Scheier, 1996). The presence of strong identities was found to be predictive of whether or not men got married, while it predicted the likelihood of a lasting marriage in women (Carver & Scheier, 1996).”