Educational Equality

An analysis of the issues involving fairness in education, focusing specifically on San Antonio.

This paper addresses the problem that the funding base differs from school district to school district based on property values in that district. This has direct impact on the schools in poorer districts which therefore suffer from underfunding. The paper discusses various court rulings on the topic of financing in educational institutions and stipulates the crucial importance of equal educational opportunities for all.
“Fairness in education is directly related to opportunities provided, meaning that all students should have the same basic opportunities to develop their skills. In practice, fairness is also directly related to the way education is funded, most commonly through property taxes. This is true in San Antonio. The problem is that the funding base differs from school district to school district based on property values in that district. This means that areas with higher property values produce more revenue, while poorer districts produce less. The schools in poorer districts therefore suffer from underfunding, while wealthier districts have more than enough money to support education.”