Education in the United Kingdom

An in-depth study of the pedagogical and curricula implications of flexible learning environments and their related technologies on post-16 year old non-compulsory education in the United Kingdom.

This paper provides a comprehensive look at various programs of non-compulsory education for adults – over 16 years of age – in the United Kingdom. The paper discusses different population groups that these studies attract. The internet and associated technology is examined in relation to these educational endeavors, illustrating and explaining the concept of the virtual learning environment. The paper also describes distance learning. The pros and cons of these learning programs are detailed in the paper.
“VLEs take the use of the computer one step further; placing a wide variety of functionalities in one easily accessed area. A prototypical VLE may include such one-way communication tools as a central noticeboard, a course outline, class lists and student homepages, an online assignment page, a multimedia area, and a means to upload files. Using the noticeboard, the instructor can notify students of upcoming deadlines, make arrangements for simultaneous discussions, and other necessary communications. The course outline can be structured with hyperlinks to take the student directly to the assignment pages, as the class list can be linked to student e-mail addresses or homepages. The multimedia area, as discussed fully below, can deliver information in a means that takes full advantage of the web as a communication tool.”