Economic Success of Immigrant Groups to the USA

This paper presents an exploration of the major immigrant groups to the USA, looking at which are the most economically successful.

This paper presents the argument that Jews and Asians are the most likely to enjoy prosperity in the United States, with Hispanics and Africans being somewhat less successful. It looks at Asian entrepreneurship and professionalism, referring to statistics to support its claims. It compares the Asian success with that of the Jews and looks at some of the features of Jewish immigrants that are responsible for their productive role in the U.S. economy. The paper then turns to Hispanic and African immigrants, analyzing these groups’ respective economic performance and investigating the reasons for these groups being less successful economically.
Those who argue against allowing more immigrants to come to the United States typically do so from one of the following positions: immigrants steal jobs from Americans, they corrupt American culture, they are a drain on the welfare system, they do not assimilate, they drive down property values where they locate, and they contribute little in terms of higher-level skill sets. While I believe that these ideas are far too general to be true across the board, still it is clear that some groups of immigrants do better economically than others. I would like to present the argument that Jews and Asians are the most likely to enjoy prosperity in the United States, with Hispanics and Africans being somewhat less successful.