Dina Maria Mulock Craik

Analysis of “John Halifax, Gentleman” by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik.

A review of “John Halifax, Gentleman” written by Dina Maria Mulock Craik. The author gives a brief overview of the novel and examines the use of style by the author and the themes of the book with focus on the theme of family.
“The story of John Halifax, Gentleman, was first published in 1856, nine years after Jane Eyre, seven years after David Copperfield, six years after Vanity Fair, and fifteen years before Middlemarch, to all of which it bears some similarities Written by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik, the book appeared in three-volume form and was the biggest success among her numerous books. The novel is sentimental and romantic in tone, but weaves a poignant story of the value of family in an always uncertain world and manages to (gently) confront a number of issues typical to its day.’