Critical Thinking

A look at various definitions of critical thinking.

This paper examines a few definitions of the term ‘critical thinking’. It explains that this is the process used to analyze information and come up with an intelligent conclusion. It looks at the development of the definition of this concept and how it can be applied.
“Critical thinking is therefore not an easy process to define. However it is important to focus on each individual component of the concept and grasp it properly in order to understand critical thinking process on the whole. While there is no unanimously accepted definition of critical thinking, educators and researchers have agreed on some of the important components of the concept, which can help us develop the habit and ability of thinking critically. Critical thinking involves careful evaluation of information, serious and complete unbiased reflection, and it must be accompanied with a sincere desire to reach objective results. Objectivity is the most important mental attributes that one needs to develop or possess in order to become a critical thinker. Biased opinion and clouded thinking interfere with the process of critical thinking and for this reason emotions must not be allowed to affect one’s ability to think critically.”