Cooperative Learning and English Language Learners

Presents an overview of why cooperative learning strategy is a preferred instructional strategy in linguistically diverse classrooms.

This research paper begins with an introduction to cooperative learning strategy. The author then chose three articles that show how research over the years examine the way cooperative learning in bilingual classrooms benefits limited English proficient students and what activities teachers can integrate in classrooms in order to meet the needs of diverse language learners. The summary of the articles is followed by a discussion, specific examples of the implications for classroom practice, and ways that one can apply theory to practice.
“It is a challenge today for educators to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students. Yet, cooperative learning instructional strategy is found to be one of the most effective ways to promote successful academic achievement, language acquisition, and social development for English language learners. When classroom activities are meaningful, interesting, and relevant, learning is occurring at every level. In successfully organized groups, language minority students will gain proficiency in English, and their native language.”