Computer Use

Examines how people use and abuse their home computers and presents a review of the literature on the topic.

Computers are in millions of American homes, and the sales figures illustrate the nation?s dependence on their abilities. This paper presents a research study of computer use and the reasons for it. This study was conducted with 38 participants and is aimed at determining the reasons that people use their home computers, as well as the amount of time spent using computers. The paper explores literature about computer use, addictions, and other topics about home computer use. It includes graphs and tables.
“The problems with computer use at home became a two pronged issue. The first question was the amount of time being used to spend on a home computer at various tasks, and the second problem was why people felt the need to devote that much time to it. Questions began to arise about avoiding real life interaction by spending so much time on the computer and avoiding real life relationships by only interacting with those they met online.”