Colorectal Cancer and MBD4

A review of recent colorectal cancer statistics in the U.S. and the U.K. including recent facts about a key player in colorectal cancer called MBD4.

This paper examines how colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cause of cancer death behind lung and prostate cancer in men and the third behind lung and breast in women in the U.S and the U.K.. It reviews the current statistics of colorectal cancer and the basics for its development as well as the current status of a very significant factor of carcinogenesis a protein called MBD4. Tables and diagrams aer included.
“Cancer is a malignant growth which results from uncontrolled cell proliferation and loss of cell differentiation and programmed apoptosis. The word “cancer” describes a group of diseases that can affect any part of the human body. Cancer is a problem of great importance, affecting millions of people around the world and owes its success partly to the ability to spread-metastasize to other areas of the body through the lymphatic system and blood stream. According to McDonald (1997), cancer begins when a single cell undergoes mutation. This mutation promotes cell growth and permits this cell to bypass normal controls of proliferation. Additional mutations will occur, producing tumours.”