Coke vs. Pepsi

An analysis of modern marketing and its environment, through a comparison of the marketing strategies of Coke and Pepsi.

This paper examines the similarities and differences of the marketing environment and strategies of Coca Cola and Pepsi. The paper discusses these two corporation’s ongoing battle for global soft drink domination. The paper describes how Coke and Pepsi share the same demographics, economic conditions, competition, social and cultural facets, technology, and political and legal problems inherent with each of their markets. The paper explains that the external macro environments are similar for each, but how they both use their marketing programs involve different tactics and strategies.
One micro external environment advantage both Pepsi and Coke enjoy is their extensive distribution, or marketing intermediaries. These distributors increase their profits by producing and selling the products directly to customers at the local level. Pepsi and Coke use these firms and distributors to make their large profits in exchange for their knowledge and their soft drink bases and concentrates.