Botox ? Medical and Cosmetic Uses

A study of the medical treatments available from the drug Botox? and its risks.

This paper examines the drug Botox ?, which is developed from a highly toxic bacteria that causes botulism. It describes the medical and biological conditions of botulism. The paper illustrates how the drug Botox ? treats wrinkles, migrane headaches, stroke and multiple sclerosis. The author investigates that side effects of the drug and its relatively new FDA approval.

Table of Contents:

Part One: Botox ? ? What is it?
Part Two: Botox ? ? What is it used for?
Part Three: Botox ? ? Can anything bad happen?
Part Four: Botox ? ? Looking toward the future.

“Botox, which is the trade name for botulinum toxin, is produced by a bacterium that has been identified for hundreds of years. Professor Emile Pierre van Ermengem, from Belguim, first identified the bacterium Bascillus botulinus in 1895 (DasGupta). From there, it was later renamed Clostridium botulinum, and is now known as botulinum type A, or Botox.”