Banning Pornographic Magazines

This paper explores the banning of pornography based on the United States Supreme Court upholding a law banning the sale of pornographic magazines to children under the age of seventeen.

This paper discusses that freedom of speech often collides with attempts to ban pornographic materials; however, there are laws that prohibit the sale of pornography to minors. This author feels that, if these laws were enforced, not only would access to minors be reduced but also to adults thus reducing the sexual addictions and violence that seems to be so prevalent in today’s society.

Table of Content
Free Speech verses Ban of Pornography
Parental and Authority Concern
Model Principal Trial
Pornography Material Found
Pornographic Fantasies Led to Molestation
Former Pornography Addict Lecture
Discussion of Power of Pornography
Prison and Community Bans
Time Magazine Poll
Concern of American Regarding Pornography
Beliefs in Effects of Pornography
After complaints by male students, a model principal at a local school in New Jersey was charged with child molestation when authorities found homosexual pornography in his home. Authorities found thirty-six films of young men masturbating and hundreds of pages torn from pornographic magazines. Prosecutors said This has nothing to do with anyone’s sexual preference. It’s not about fantasies. He’s on trial for how he allowed his fantasies to escape from his home, from his locked room, and into the “school.” Was this principal simply a victim of a society overwhelmed with pornographic material? Does pornography have an effect on ones psyche?”