Australian – British Relationships

Analysis of the book “Australian Literature: An Anthology of Writing From the Land Down Under” by Phyllis Edelson.

This paper introduces, discusses and analyzes the introduction to the book “Australian Literature: An Anthology of Writing From the Land Down Under,” by Phyllis Edelson. Specifically, it contains a brief analysis of British-Australian relations since the 1800s, along with the 19th and 20th century Australian views of Britain.
“British and Australian relations have always been strained, to say the least. The first European settlement on Australia was a British penal colony in 1788. In other words, Australia was good enough for the dregs of Britain, and that was about all. The first settlement was located at what is now Sydney. Eleven ships brought 1,530 passengers with 700 convicts and the rest soldiers sent to guard the convicts and make sure they did a full day’s work.”