
A discussion of the painting styles of the artists Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne.

This paper reviews the styles of the artists Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne through analysis of some of their greatest works of arts. It portrays Van Gogh Van Gogh as a master painter whose impact on both Impressionism and Expressionism cannot be undermined and how his approach to his work was clearly conceptual and his goal was to use painting to express emotions. While Van Gogh was a master of technique, Paul Cezanne was a master of style and the flair he used in painting is canvasses captured the attention of many young painters. The paper shows how both artists were of equal genius and yet had such different temperaments.
“The model’s face is focused on as Cezanne uses a white tone that creates a cold and unbreakable structure yet, the dress and the darker colors of the wall allow that coldness to merge creating a balance of hues. The stark lines of the wall and the harsh color of the background finds relief in the light tones of the curtain and the brightness of the dress. Each color is perfectly balanced and each form symmetrically achieved contrasting against the other to harmonize the overall picture. Cezanne attempted to create a natural harmony with the people and the space, which they occupied. He stated that, painters must devote themselves entirely to the study of nature and try to produce pictures which will be an education (Rewald 1995, 303) ”