Antigone and Creon

A comparison of the two characters Antigone and Creone in Greek philosopher, Sophocles’ play, Antigone and their understanding of politics.

The paper discusses the two main characters in the ancient Greek play Antigone written by Sophocles. It shows how each has powerful views on politics, but they disagree on nearly every aspect of political life and law. One main conflict is that Antigone wholeheartedly believes in divine law, whereas Creon believes fully in Civil Law. The paper discusses issues such as personal principles, breadth of law, freedom, character and political and personal ethics.
Antigone and Creon both understand certain aspects of political life, but neither comprehends all facets of politics. Antigone is pious but unswerving in her principles. Creon desires to create a stable community, but he is cruel and unfeeling in order to set a precedent. Sophocles does not want us to emulate Antigone or Creon. Antigone epitomizes behaviors that reinforce or destabilize the Polis. Additionally, Antigone celebrates human power in the political system, whether advantageous or not. Individuals possess the powerful and dangerous tool of persuasion that must be used cautiously. Moreover, through the phenomenon of death in the play Antigone, the distinction between what individuals should attempt to control and what should be governed by a higher power, are illuminated. Creon and Antigone believe opposite forces should wholly preside over individuals, and neither will compromise their ideals. The characters in Antigone do not attain a happy medium between divine law and law of the Polis. Human limitation should be addressed by incorporating both human and divine law into our lives.