Anointed Taxes

Analysis of an article “The Vision of the Anointed” by economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell and how it relates to Reagan’s tax cuts.

This paper takes a thorough look at the tax cuts and economic policies of President Reagan. It examines the article by Sowell and critiques his commentry of the tax policy. The paper discusses whether Sowell’s analysis of the outcome of these tax policies were correct or not.
“In The Vision of the Anointed, economist and social theorist Thomas Sowell makes an vital contribution to classical liberal and conservative thought by searching the ways in which a self-consciously elite, or “anointed,” group uses ideas to maintain its power in American political life. Sowell regards American political dialogue as dominated by people who are sure that they know what is good for society and who think that the good must be achieve by lingering government action. This modern-liberal elite exerts its pressure through institutions that live by words: the universities and public schools, the media, the liberal clergy, the bar and bench. Its supremacy results from its command of the information that words convey and the attitudes that words inspire.”