Ancient Religions

This paper discusses the religions of the early Greek and Roman societies and of the Hindus.

This paper discusses that the early Greek and Roman societies used ideas introduced by their philosopher thinkers as their own religion, which formed into many cults. The paper presents the teachings of the Bhagavad- Gita, a Hindus, and their relationship to yoga. The author states that the yoga of perfect knowledge is the attainment of one’s individual consciousness and Ultimate Truth, through the process of intellectual thinking and contemplation.
The Bhagavad- Gita is translated as the Song of God, and the texts of this sacred book, a list of songs of praise for the gods of the Hindus, contains messages that gives its listeners an understanding of what is the essence of human existence, immortality of the soul, and eternal relationship with God (Bhagavad- Gita Trust 1998). One of the primary teachings of the Bhagavad- Gita is to know the said concepts and knowledge about life through the process and activity of doing yoga. Yoga is the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness (Bhagavad- Gita Trust 1998).