Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock

This paper discusses Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock, a physically and psychologically disruptive phenomenon which occurs when individuals are subjected to rapid change in a short period of time.

The purpose of this research is to review Alvin Toffler’s book Future Shock by presenting its major ideas and theories and by placing those ideas in the realm of current research on the psychologically and physically disruptive phenomena which occur when individuals are subjected to rapid environmental and sociological changes in a short period of time.

As Alvin Toffler vividly describes in Future Shock, individuals are today facing trying to cope with an existence which is constituted by frequent and rapid changes. Indeed, the rate of change is so rapid that reality appears to many to be nothing more than a kaleidoscope that has gone wild, the changes as dramatic as those experienced by the ancient sea creatures who evolved into land animals. Although these animals were aptly capable of adapting to their newfound environment, it is …