Abortion Laws: An Overview

Examines the controversial topic of abortion and attempts to legislate uniform laws for the whole country.

This is an essay discussing the issue of abortion. The paper attempts to explain why abortion laws differ from state to state and the struggle and conflict between states, using examples of past cases. Shows how pro-life groups have had more influence in some states than other and how the laws are stricter.
“Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. In many countries, this is regarded as a criminal act. However, other countries have legalized abortion, although, restrictions vary from country to country (Abortion pg). Abortion is a passionate issue of debate in the United States. Pro-life groups frequently picket abortion clinics, at times leading to violence. Perhaps no other issue stirs such deep-rooted convictions as the issue of abortion. Anti-abortion groups view the act as murder, while pro-abortionists view it as a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her body. It is indeed an issue of passion and conflict. In the United States, each state sets its own guidelines, therefore, abortion laws differ from state to state (Abortion pg).”