A Keynesian View

Examines Keynes’s view on the GDP within the context of an article entitled, Still in Gear.

This paper examines the Keynesian viewpoint of the fiscal policy on the gross domestic product (GDP) by reviewing an article entitled, Still in Gear (‘The Economist’, 2003). The paper also discusses the effect of what the article offers on J.P. Morgan Chase mortgage company.
The article published by The Economist in August of 2003 explores the possibility that the increase in bond returns may be a positive thing however; it also addresses the fact that the United States should be wary because mortgage rates are also climbing. This leads to households in the United States having less incentive to borrow money against the value of their homes. This obviously affects mortgage companies such as J.P. Morgan Chase. This translates to the growth rate in consumer spending dropping by two percentage points between early this year and next. This is likely to push economic growth below its potential growth rate by the second half of 2004.