Transgenderism as a Chronic Health Challenge

This paper looks at all that is involved when changing genders.

This paper looks at all that is involved when changing genders. The author looks at both the surgical procedures along with the psychological implications. Detailed discussion of the surgical procedure is included — and we therefore warn anyone before purchasing this paper that graphic accounts are given.
“Transsexualism is defined in the Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary as a condition in which a person has an intense desire to discard one’s biologic sex and live as a member of the opposite sex. It is considered a psychiatric disorder if the condition continues for more than 2 years. Some transsexual individuals crossdress and seek medical or surgical help to change their physical sex characteristics. Transexualism is marked by the belief of the individual that he or she was born into the wrong sex and should be the other. This is a conviction that usually dates back as far as the individual can remember and does not seem to be subject to change through life experiences. It can also be defined as extreme gender dysphoria. There is also a set of terminology created by the transgendered community that is now being adopted by the medical community. For example, a femisexual is a transsexual who crosses the gender barriers from male to female, having completed genital surgery whereas a mascusexual is a female-to-male transsexual who has completed genital surgery. Complisexual is a broad term to refer to individuals who are either femisexual or mascusexual. Treatment of transsexualism is aimed at helping the individual match their inner sense to their outward appearance and body, usually through hormone therapy and surgery. There are several theories as to what causes one to be a transsexual. Some are neurobiological while many older ones are psychosocial.”