“The Wise Old Woman

“The Wise Old Woman,” by Yoshiko Uchida is a story that talks There are questions to be answered within the story.This story is about an overconfident lord who believed that anyone over the age of seventy-one was not worth the time of day and space and should be left in the mountains to die. Many of the towns people disagreed with their ruler, but in fear of being reprimanded they remained quiet and obedient. Overtime the village was to become a place where only the young and healthy lived. One day a young farmer, who lived with his mother had to make a hard decision; take his mother to the mountains or be taken away by the lords soldiers.This farmer contemplated over time until his mother said it was time for her to go. The obedient son took his mother up the mountain, climbing higher and higher and regretting to leave her. Something happened and the young farmer could not leave his mother so they returned to their house where the farmer hid his mother for two years .