The Homestead Act of 1862 was passed during the Civil War

The Homestead Act of 1862 was passed during the Civil War, to encourage Western migration.
Argument: President Abraham Lincoln had issued this act in order to give to the U.S. citizens 160 acres of land, however he would give it to them on the requirement that they lived there and improved the land for up to 5 years. This act had increased the settlement westward for farming. The Homestead Act gave the ability for any American citizen to own land, even women who were divorced, widowed, or unwed could acquire land. Freed slaves were eligible as well. Any one citizen who owned the land would become the “head of household” which permitted men and women to potentially live the American dream. Although this act did not help the issue of poverty, frauds began to occur therefore Congress had to make adjustments.
While migration was expanding in the West, many conflicts arose with the Native Americans and the U.S troops. The westward expansion had many adverse effects on the Native Americans, they were forced to live on reservations. The Homestead Act had lead the Indians to fight to the death to defend their tribe lands from white settlements.