The discovery of the Americas by the European nations resulted in an exchange of products and resources between the eastern and western hemispheres

The discovery of the Americas by the European nations resulted in an exchange of products and resources between the eastern and western hemispheres, known as the Colombian trade. Due to trade in the eastern and western hemispheres, triangular trade was created for the profit of the Americas and England.

Before the Columbian Exchange, there were no oranges in Florida, no bananas in Ecuador, no coffee in Colombia, no pineapples in Hawaii, no cattle in Texas, etc. The dandelion was brought to North America by Europeans for use as an herb. During the Columbian exchange, the western hemisphere exchanged agricultural products such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco with Europe that changed European lifestyles. European horses and cattle changed the lifestyles of American Indians, but with their products, they also brought diseases which killed most of the native’s population. The European plantation system in the Americas destroyed the environment and economy. Shortage of labor to grow cash crops led to the use of African slaves, which started the triangular trade route.

The European nations established a trade pattern known as the triangular trade and exported precious metals from the Americas. The triangular trade linked Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Gold and Silver were exported to Europe from the Americas. Triangular trade had a huge Impact on empires of the Americas and Impact on Spain and international trade. The first leg of the triangle was from Europe to Africa. Europeans brought things such as cloth, textiles, guns, and ammunition. The second leg of the triangle was from Africa to the Americas. Europeans brought with them slaves to sell. The third leg of the triangle was from the Americas to Europe. Europeans would bring back tobacco, crops, rum, and sugar from the Caribbean.

Although the two may be alike, they are very different. The Columbian exchange was between the Americas and Europe and triangular trade was between Africa, America, and Europe. The Columbian exchange started when Europe was first claiming land and creating colonies so they could get materials. Once settlements in America were made, there was a shortage of labor to obtain gold, silver, crops, and other materials that Europe needed. Europe traded with Africa for slaves to bring to the Americas, and thus, triangular trade was born. Evidently, triangular trade was created after the Columbian exchange, which identifies another difference between the two. In Triangular trade, Europe traded manufactured goods for slaves with Africa, then brought them to America as laborers. Then the Americas sent raw materials to Europe which boosted the European state’s economy.

Triangular trade and the Columbian exchange are both similar and different in many ways. The Columbian Exchange connected the Americas and Europe. foods, materials, and diseases were exchanged between the two. The Triangular Trade, however, was more focused on slaves and raw materials. Like the Columbian Exchange, the Americas and Europe were linked in trade with the addition of Africa.