Symphonic Dreams

A critical analysis of Beethoven’s and Tchaikovsky’s compositions. A critical analysis is taken of Beethoven’s and Tchaikovsky’s compositions, and how the people during the Romantic period viewed them.

A critical analysis is taken of Beethoven’s and Tchaikovsky’s compositions, and how the people during the Romantic period viewed them. The author aims at a greater understanding of music, how it affects us, and why some musical pieces can stand the test of time.
“Today we have MTV, music videos, and many other ways in which music is interpreted for us. Once upon a time, however, during the Romantic period, people would listen to musical pieces such as Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony or view and hear Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker and come up with their own interpretations for music. These musical compositions could stand-alone and each person could awaken to their own dreams and realizations of the music when they heard it. An in depth look is to be taken of the above compositions, their composers, and how the people during the Romantic period viewed them. By doing this it is hoped that a greater understanding of music, how it affects us, and why some musical pieces can stand the test of time.”