Prohibtionists expected other companies to skyrocket

Prohibtionists expected other companies to skyrocket, they expected the movie theater to rise, the soda and chewing gum companies to gain more sales, but none of that happened. The entertainment industry declined, resturants failed because there wasn’t liquor to sell. Also the Eighteenth Amendment only prohibited the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcoholic beverages, it didn’t ban the possession or consumption of alcohol in the United States. The Volstead Act, the law that provided for the enforcement of Prohibition, also left enough loopholes that eventually opened doors to people being able to drink. The effects of Prohibition on law enforcement wasn’t good. The amount of money being exchanged during the era proved that there was a corrupting influence in both the federal Bureau of Prohibition and at a local level. Police officers were constantly bribed to go into bootlegging themselves. Many stayed honest, but a lot took to the bribes. The growth of Liquor trade in the U.S made millions of criminals. (Lerner)