Macbeth and Portrayal of Evil

Examines play’s portrayal of evil, immoral corruption of human nature, Mother Nature & natural order of life in Scotland. (See more at Link)

The play Macbeth explores the existence of an alternative natural order existing alongside life as Macbeth knew it, which Macbeth chose to follow and which then defeated him. William Shakespeare explores this alternative order and its nexus with the natural order by exploring the transformation of three types of nature in Macbeth. First, he explores the corruption of human nature through Macbeth’s greed and ambition. Second, he explores the transformation of nature (which I shall distinguish by calling it Mother Nature) by aligning the weather in the play with Macbeth’s actions. Third, he explores the subversion of the natural order of life in Scotland. Macbeth’s nature undergoes subversion as he plans to betray his king and his country for his own personal ambition. Nature follows Macbeth’s transformation…