Jesus Christ was born during the life and reign of Herod the Great who ruled Palestine at the end of the 1st Century B

Jesus Christ was born during the life and reign of Herod the Great who ruled Palestine at the end of the 1st Century B.C. on the 25th of December, which is celebrated by Christians every year in remembrance of the day Jesus Christ was born. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea by Virgin Mary in a manger. Joseph was the father of Jesus. Joseph was a carpenter. When Jesus was born the three wise men fro the east followed to star (Star of Bethlehem) to where Jesus was born. The three wise men bore with them gifts, Gold, Myrrh, and Frankincense. About that same time king Herod was deeply disturbed by the birth of Jesus Christ, because he heard a new king has been born. Herod became furious and sent his soldiers into Bethlehem to kill all the boys around two years and under. Joseph and Mary fled from Bethlehem to Egypt before the soldiers could get to them. Herod’s plan turned out to be a fiasco. When Herod died and everything had calmed down, Joseph and Mary with Jesus went to Galilee and settled down in a town called Nazareth, were Jesus grew up, where Jesus Christ was called the “Nazarene” (Jesus of Nazareth). Jesus was a leader all through his life even from birth.