In life

In life, we are faced with the dilemma of whether or not to do something supposedly bad under normal circumstances, in order to salvage a dire situation, and restore positivity and order. Most of these times, we choose to go for it, and commit the not so pleasant act, reasoning that the intention behind, and expected outcome of such an action is positive, and involves good faith. This is the piece of the premises of morals and profound quality, where the idea of Heinz problem comes into the picture. A dilemma is a situation, wherein one needs to choose from two mutually exclusive and equally unfavorable courses of action, as a solution to the issue at hand. Heinz dilemma is an example of ethical dilemma, and it reflects a similar situation of choosing between the devil and the deep sea. In this situation, the sons mother was near death from a rare form of cancer and there is one medicine that the doctors think might perhaps prolong her life. This is sold at the only local pharmacy at 10 times the cost. The woman has no medical aid cover and her only son could simply not afford the medicine. The most ethical option available to the son is best described by option E, he follows the adage called desperate times call for desperate measures, broke into the druggist’s shop and stole the drug. This is the famous Heinz Dilemma theory, the theory holds that moral reasoning, the basis for ethical behavior. It has six identifiable developmental stages, each that is more adequate at responding to moral dilemmas than its predecessor. Reasons for his decision to steal the medication is not important according to this theory, what is important is why he took the decision to do so, and on this state is everyone’s right to life, regardless of the law. And this reasons are unfolded through the age related step by step fashion. That is much more like Piagets stages of cognitive development. The first step is Preconvention: no internalization of morals, second step is Conventional, Intermediate internalizations of morals and the last one is Post conventional level, full internalization of morals.