Hallucinations and Illusions

An examination into the definition, causes and treatment of hallucinations.

The author of this paper defines the term “hallucinations”. The paper then discusses causes and symptoms of hallucinations such as drug use, stress and neurological disorders. Diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of hallucinatory states are also examined. Finally, the paper touches on the main difference between hallucinations and transitory illusions.
“The hallucinations that come with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders can often be controlled with medication. In addition, the patient can be counseled about the true nature of these experiences, and some people with these disorders can learn to live with the experiences and cope with them when they happen. Situation ally-induced hallucinations, of course, will disappear when the stressors causing them (severe fatigue, etc.) are dealt with. Some people seek out these types of hallucinations, believing them to bring enlightenment. Those people may attempt to induce the experience using medication, sensory deprivation or illegal drugs. They will see these episodes as controlled experiments in self-growth, desirable, and not as a source for concern.”