Five Years on a Rock and All I Asking for is my Body by Milton Murayama

Analyzes two quotes from books on cultural sensibility of Japanese working on Hawaiian sugar plantations & compares with Japanese & Chinese on mainland.

Milton Murayama, in Five Years On A Rock and All I Asking For Is My Body explores the cultural sensibility of Japanese in Hawaii working on sugar plantations. Two quotes from these books will be used in this report to examine this sensibility in comparison with the Japanese on the mainland and with the Chinese. The information provided by Sucheng Chan, in Asian Americans: An Interpretive History, will be used to support the positions taken in this report.

The first quote, from All I Asking For Is My Body, brings up a point which shows how the Japanese in Hawaii were similar to the Japanese on the mainland. The quote refers to the narrator’s mother and her determination to maintain her family’s identity and unity. An argument is taking place between the mother and her son Tosh as the son expresses his individualism and his…