Ahmedh Shamsudeen Ms

Ahmedh Shamsudeen
ELA 10-1
7 September 2017
Get To Know Me
My name is Ahmedh Shamsudeen, I am a fourteen year old student attending your English class. Some of the things I enjoy doing in my spare time are playing sports, biking and doing other outdoor activities. During the summer I spent most of my time, outside playing basketball with my friends and going on outings with my family. The most interesting thing that happened during the summer was when me and my family were driving to Jasper and saw a black bear close up for the first time, the bear was massive and stood a couple of metres away from our car. It stared at us for nearly a minute, I thought it was going to attack the car but it ended up walking away. Overall it was a terrifying experience.

I think my strength in Language Arts is being able to comprehend what I read. My weakness in LA is writing essays, it could be because I don’t really like to write. For my final grade I am aiming for a 85% and above. To achieve this mark I will be trying to hand in all my homework on time, try not to forget my homework at home, pay attention when you give instructions. What I will be expecting from you as a teacher, is to be patient and answer my questions and assist me in passing your course.